Ology Press Plagiarism Code
Plagiarism is the theft of ideas, thoughts, content or procedures. Plagiarism can occur in any type of work, including research and educational material. Reusing content without proper citing the author or without the author’s consent is also plagiarism, even if the author publishes the content on the internet.
When Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants,” he was attributing his success to the scientific knowledge he learned from others. While all scientists “stand on the shoulders” by using knowledge they gain by reading the works of others, academic plagiarism occurs when someone depends on another’s innovative thoughts and ideas.
There are three main types of plagiarism – self, unintentional, and blatant. Self-plagiarism occurs when an author copies his or her own idea published in another work. An author may commit unintentional plagiarism by inadequately citing original sources. Authors who commit self-plagiarism or unintentional plagiarism often do so mistakenly – many do not realize it is an offense to plagiarize oneself or be unaware they are copying another person’s ideas.
Blatant plagiarism is the intentional use of content without giving credit to the original author. Intentional plagiarism is a crime.
Many cases of plagiarism are accidental and occur when the author uses common scientific phrases, such as lists of symptoms appearing in medical research or the description of various chemical properties. Anti-plagiarism tools, widely available on the internet, help authors detect, correct, and properly cite duplicate content before submission to Ology Press.
Ology Journals Plagiarism Policy
A reputation for integrity is essential in the publishing world, both for publishing companies and for authors. Ology Press has built a worldwide reputation for integrity by publishing scientific manuscripts that are innovative, important and original.
Ology Press is dedicated to preserving its stellar reputation and the reputation of the writers publishing works in Ology Press by holding all content to the highest standards of plagiarism. As such, Ology Press reserve the right to cancel the membership of any author submitting plagiarized work for publication in Ology Press. Furthermore, Ology Press reserves the right to restrict the author from accessing Ology Press websites. All decisions of Ology Press regarding plagiarism are final and not open to appeal.
Ology Journals Plagiarism Tools
Authors and contributors to Ology Journals are responsible for submitting only original work and for checking the originality of any work prior to submission to Ology Press. To help authors avoid the plagiarism process and check material for self, unintentional, or blatant plagiarism, Ology Press makes online plagiarism tools available for use by authors. Ology Press uses PlagScan to check documents for originality. For more information about PlagScan, go to http://www.plagscan.com.